Monday, April 8, 2013

Adorable Animals at the Zoo!

I'm currently on Spring Break,  and yesterday we went to the Memphis, TN  Zoo,  so I though I would show you guys some of the cute/cool things I saw there!

Adorably fat pandas stuffing their faces:

                                         IS THAT NOT THE CUTEST THING EVER?

Amazing Lions:

Cute little Gophers
Cute monkeys (I didn't know there were such a thing)
Ostriches and their eggs

Giraffes!  (I especially like these because I look like one)
There was even a baby!
Bald Eagles staring right at me...creepy
Mini cows...I had never heard of these before
In the picture they actually don't look that small.
...and then I got some Ice Cream!
LOL I hope you all enjoyed and more posts coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. hahaha! Love the pics, Callie!

    I agree, the pandas are adorable

    Of all the bear family, I just adore pandas and koalas.
