"Stuck near the bottom of the social ladder, Maya has never been popular. But before starting eighth grade, she decides to begin a unique social experiment: spend the school year following a 1950s popularity guide, written by former teen model Betty Cornell. The real-life results are hilarious, painful, and filled with unexpected surprises. Told with humor and grace, Maya’s journey offers readers of all ages a thoroughly contemporary example of kindness and self-confidence, along with a better understanding of what it means to be popular."
I really enjoyed this book. Maya writes very well for her first time, and keeps things funny and fresh throughout the story. She really inspired me to go up and talk to people: start a conversation with someone, and you could become best friends. That's what popularity means to Maya (and what popularity SHOULD mean in my opinion) it means being kind to people. No one is too "uncool" (or "cool", for that matter!) for you to talk to. It was also really interesting to see what other people thought being "popular" meant. Some of the people she talked to said being nice, others said being cool or dressing fashionably. Everyone interprets it differently. Because of this book I have learned that nothing is as important as making other people feel loved and welcomed. No one will truly like you that much if you go around looking down on everyone, and being mean to others. What will really make you popular, and what you will be remembered for is being sweet to others, so the next time you are standing around chatting with your friends and see someone standing shyly off to the side, go over to them. Ask them about their interests and what they did that week. You won't regret it. :D
-Callie ♥
I heart u!