"In her charming and self-effacing voice, Jenifer Ringer covers the highs and lows of what it’s like to make it to the top in the exclusive, competitive ballet world. From the heart-pounding moments waiting in the wings before a performance to appearing on Oprah to discuss weight and body image among dancers, Dancing Through It is moving and revelatory."
I really enjoyed this book! It was very interesting to take a peek inside the life of a professional ballerina, and Jenifer certainly has an amazing story to tell! It's so inspiring to read about how (with God's help) she overcame an eating disorder and problems with self-hate and doubt to become this beautiful dancer. The way she uses her gift to glorify God certainly makes me respect her more. :)
I recommend this book to all my dancer (and non-dancer) friends!
Cool! I want to read this now. :D