Kristen Stewart
Callie: YES I think this is really cool! Kristen has a very different, but cool sense of style. I especially love her hair. ♥
Mom: I agree with Callie, Kristen has beautiful hair. I don't really care for the spiked heels with the short shorts, but overall, the outfit is tasteful.
Olivia Holt
Callie: NO Olivia is gorgeous, but I honestly just don't like this dress that much. The jacket's cute, though, and of course her hair is beautiful.
Mom: I actually like this outfit I think. The dress is modest and tasteful and it looks cute with the jacket.
Kylie Jenner
Callie: A huge YES! It has a hood! How cool is that?! I always think Kylie looks gorgeous, and in even in this plain hoodie? dress? She looks great. And I LOVE her makeup! ♥
Mom: Again, beautiful hair and her makeup is very nicely done. You can actually tell what her eyes look like. Outfit is fine, but not that exciting to me. Shoes look very uncomfortable!
Gabby Douglas
Callie: YES This dress is really cute. I like the color blocking, and her hair and makeup (hair especially) look super pretty. ♥ I think a thinner belt would look better with the dress, though.
Mom: Very cute. I love the fact that she isn't trying to be something wild and crazy and weird, just a pretty girl out for a special night.
Fivel Stewart
Callie: YES This dress is just gorgeous! I have wanted one like this for so long! I'm in love with the collar, the belt, and the shoes are awesome! ♥
Mom: If she has shorts on under this pretty dress, then NO, but if that is some sort of slip that is supposed to be seen, then I guess YES. Love the red shoes!
Bella Thorne
Callie: YES I really like this dress. It's so pretty and shimmery! Bella's hair, too, is beautiful. ♥
Mom: Other than the length of the skirt, Callie is right again! :)
Ciara Bravo
Callie: YES She is so cute! (almost as cute as her dress) I LOVE the daisy print, and her hair is perfect. ♥
Mom: Yes! Very cute dress!
Selena Gomez
Callie: YES I am loving this look, you guys! The top and shorts go really well together, and I love her hair. (As usual) ♥
Mom: I guess since I'm an old lady, I really hate the high heels with short shorts. It reminds me of Daisy Duke. Google it, you'll see what I mean. Otherwise, she is a very pretty young lady.
Willow Shields
Callie: NO Sorry, but I really don't like the "modern art" look. The cut of the dress is nice, though. It's very flowy and silky, and her hair is just...AAAAHH!
Mom: NO. That's all, just NO.
Madison Pettis
Callie: YES This is one of my favorite colors. I think this dress really complements Madison's skin tone, and her shoes are very unique. ♥
Mom: It's fine. Not that exciting to me since I don't really like the color that much, but it's not bad, just not my fave
Zendaya Coleman
Callie: YES Isn't she just GORGEOUS?! I love her sweater to death, the skirt's cool, and her shoes are awesome! ♥
Mom: While I wouldn't have put these pieces together, I do like them individually.
Victoria Justice
Callie: YES I know, I know, I like the weirdest things, but something about this just spoke to me. I just love how colorful it is! and Victoria's hair looks really cute :D ♥
Mom: Would be a great swim suit. :)
Stephanie Scott
Callie: YES This dress is absolutely gorgeous! It looks fantastic on her! ♥
Mom: Very pretty! Callie would look very good in this outfit. :)
Debby Ryan
Callie: YES This dress is super cute, and very flattering! I like how it shows some skin, but not her belly button. ♥
Mom: Uh, NO! It looks like something that would come on a Barbie doll.
Peyton List
Callie: YES I love the black and white look, and pairing it with red heels is brilliant! ♥
Mom: Love the skirt and shoes, not the midriff top though.
Ariana Grande
Callie: YES Love the skirt, and she always has the best shoes! (If ya'll didn't know, she is one of my style icons) ♥
Mom: YES, very cute.
Lucy Hale
Callie: YES This look is so retro. I love it! I have always liked the "bump-it" hairstyle, and I think it looks especially good on dark-haired girls like Lucy. ♥
Mom: I'm feeling like a broken record, very cute.
Amandla Stenberg
Callie: YES She is so pretty. This dress is different,(kinda makes you dizzy if you look too long!) but I like it. The color complements her skin tone really well. ♥
Mom: Ditto everything Callie said. Especially the dizzy part.
Caroline Sunshine
Callie: NO This doesn't exactly match... I guess I like the pieces individually, but I wouldn't put them together like this.
Mom: NO. Her hair and makeup are pretty, that's all I can say.
Willow Smith
Callie: YES I'm really not a fan of her hair, but this outfit is really cute. I love the dress, especially.
Mom: NO. That's all, just NO.
Kiernan Shipka
Callie: NO Sorry, but for some reason, I don't like floral prints with black backgrounds. Her hair is really pretty, though.
Mom: I actually think this is a really pretty dress. I think it may be navy and not black, but I would like it either way.
Thank you Callie for inviting me to give my opinions. You know I've always got an opinion! LOL
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