I know I said I would do the MET Gala next, but I saw this, and decided to do it first :)
Selena Gomez

I think that red looks absolutely gorgeous on Selena, and she has such pretty hair! It is a bit short, but modest everywhere else, and I think she looks beautiful.
Maria Sharapova

This dress is perfectly modest, (though I'm not a fan of halter dresses) and even though I don't really love the black tulle on the bottom, I think it is still a pretty, elegant dress.
Gabrielle Douglas
Now don't get me wrong, I'm probably the biggest Gabby Douglas fan out there, but this dress just doesn't really appeal to me. I think it should have straps, and I really don't like leather dresses.
Mckayla Maroney

Under normal circumstances, I would say no purely because of the color of this dress, but on Mckayla it just looks...gorgeous. The cut is extremely flattering and her hair and makeup is flawless!
Jordyn Wieber
I honestly think this dress makes her look fat! While her hair and makeup is pretty, the cut and color of this dress (in my opinion) is NOT flattering at all.
Danica Patrick

This dress is cool in a different way. I LOVE gold and black together, and I think it looks good on most everyone. However, some straps would be nice ;)
Paula Patton

Though a bit short, this dress is super flattering and she is a beautiful woman!
Lolo Jones

Wow this dress is SOOOOOOOO pretty! ahem. Sorry. This yellow looks amazing against her tan skin, but I think it would have looked better with some black heels.
Melissa Rycroft

Oh my goodness! How pretty is she, right? Her dress is super cute :D
Well, I think that is it! I have decided to start doing "my favorite look" rather that the "trend of the day". Tell me what you guys think!
My Favorite Look: